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We're wired to see faces and read what mood they're in from the moment we're born. Our survival depends on it. However rough your scribble, rest assured that not only will it be seen as a face. It will have an expression.
You can either decide what facial expression you've drawn, or go for one of the classics - sad, happy, angry, fearful, disgusted or surprised. If you go for happy, alter the lines or draw another face to make it look happier.
...Now draw another face to make it even happier. Another to make it more delighted still, and so on until you simply cannot make it any happier.
making a smiley face. Whether or not you like them, smileys can throw some useful light on drawing facial expressions.
Now have a go at a Gloomy. (A
sad smiley is rather a contradiction in terms so I call it a Gloomy.)
Once you get started on this face-making game, you may find it difficult to stop!
Drawing faces and expressions is at once the easiest and the hardest form of art
Almost any shape with two dots and a dash in roughly the right place will be seen as a face.
However, once the face is seen, the artist's easy ride comes to an abrupt end. The minutest variation in a line can completely alter the character and expression of a face. If you've ever tried painting a portrait, you'll know that it only takes the tiniest dot of white in an eye to turn a lively gleam into a mad stare!
Finding the features that make the expression
You may find it's the mouth that makes the difference to the facial expression of emotions. Sometimes it's the eyes, or it could be the eyebrows. You may not think of eyebrows, but they're important. I'm always intrigued by Gromit of Wallace and Gromit fame. Gromit uses his mouth to drink the odd mug of coffee, but that's about it. He never makes a sound. All the facial expression comes from his eyes and eyebrows - yet you can almost hear him think.
Drawing Media
You can scribble - or should I say evolve - your facial expressions in the traditional way on paper. If you're more adventurous, you may like to
try digital drawing with your finger on an iphone, ipad or ipod Touch. This is surprisingly easy, and gives you greater ease of erasing and flexibility to transform your image in creative ways.
For goodness' sake don't try drawing with a computer mouse! It's like signing your name with a brick. At least get a Wacom tablet if you're serious about digital drawing.
Digital drawing has no end of advantages. I love the fact that you can keep the expressive lines you like while easily erasing the ones you don't. That's important, because once a line expresses what you want it to, believe me, even if you trace with the utmost care, you'll never quite racapture that first fine careless rapture!
:D hahaha.. tapi bagaimana kalau berjaya jua menghasilkan sebuah lukisan dgn menggunakan seekor mouse..?